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Alumni Spotlight: Mark Beaven, '14

Mark Beaven, Class of 2014

Mark Beaven earned his BA in Sociology at EKU in 2014, studying generational differences in the workplace as well as serving as an undergraduate research assistant participating in a community and economic development project in an Eastern Kentucky community.

Prof's Study Eyes Economic Potential of Gorge

James Maples lecturing

When he visits Kentucky’s Red River Gorge, Dr. James Maples commonly sees license plates from across the U.S. and Canada and meets rock climbers from around the world.

Besides enjoying the scenic views and world-class rock climbing opportunities, approximately 7,500 climbers spend approximately $3.6 million annually in the region, the gift that Maples said keeps giving.

Trail Town Designation for Elkhorn City Culminates EKU Team's Efforts

Trail Town Designation for Elkhorn City Culminates EKU Team's Efforts

The recent approval of Elkhorn City as the seventh Kentucky Trail Town marks the successful culmination of an effort assisted by a group of EKU faculty members and students.

Alumni Spotlight: Shannon Williams, 03

Shannon Williams

Shannon Williams, EKU Sociology Graduate (2003), received his Masters degree in Sociology from the University of Tennessee in 2009 and is currently a Ph.D.

New Faculty Publication

Picture of Capital and Class Journal

Sociology faculty member Paul Paolucci has recently published an article on Marx, the philosophy of and politics in science in the journal, Capital & Class (February 2015).

Update! McSpirit’s co-led proposal for Equine Complex named one of five finalists in President Benson’s Campus Challenge

Update (August 19, 2015) President Benson has announced five finalists in his Campus Challenge, including McSpirit's co-led Equine Proposal!  Presentations will occur in October.

Competing Definitions of Place: The Campus Beautiful and Combs Residence Hall

Competing Definitions of Place: The Campus Beautiful and Combs Residence Hall

James Maples, Assistant Professor of Sociology, along with undergraduate students, Lauryn Krasnopolsky and Morgan Yocum, publish photo essay on Social Shutter.  

Students, Faculty Helping Elkhorn City Maximize Opportunities

EKU Students at Breaks Interstate Park

Elkhorn City is not a college town, but you might not know it these days.

Dozens of EKU students, assisted by a few faculty members, are making frequent visits, helping the Pike County community (pop. 982) maximize its economic development and tourism potential and obtain “Trail Town” designation.

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